Monday, May 21, 2007

no posts, will catch up soon.

Hello everyone!

Sorry for the lack of news of late!

But here's what you can look forward to hearing about in the near future:

The Live Music Party, and SUCCESS!

New Cute Girl! Kiss Time!


Lots of goodbyes!

Mom comes to Korea!

Children's Festival!


Anonymous said...

I want to hear more about this cute girl. I can only assume that she has an winning personality as well. i can't imagine you would date a dud who would never ever write about herself on your blog.

FACT: This is me visiting your blog for the first time.

Side FACT: I miss you and your winning personality and matching beard.

Side Fact #2 : I mean the beard matches the awsomenss of the personality, not my own beard. Mine is completly different.

Goulash said...

Still waiting on the catch up news....

I guess I'll just have to catch up in person when I see ya at the Sajik music night.