Sunday, December 31, 2006

The best and worst movie I have seen lately

I just finished watching "Snakes on a Plane".
It was, at once, the best and worst movie I have ever seen.

Bad horror movie feel. w00t!

"I'm tired of these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane!"

... ...

Okay, that was all the good, but hearing Samuel L Jackson say the word motherfucker is like hearing a glorious aria by a masterful soprano. It basically justifies the whole film.

Seriously, a guy getting bit by a snake on the "snake" after asking "How's my little 'snake' doing?" or something equally ridiculous? That's just stupid.
The snooty guy getting eaten after throwing the purse dog to the anaconda type snake. Good for him! Throw one for me too! It wasn't comeuppance, he was right, anyone would do the same. I'd throw a small child if it meant I could get away, so yeah, I'd throw a bug-eyed freak dog too.
The fat lady getting aroused by a snake slithering up her dress. Come on, I get it, haha, fat lady getting turned on. I really expected more high-brow humour from this film.

The music video at the end. It's so bad that it justifies the cost of rental, you MUST see it. Or, actually, just watch it on youtube, I'm sure it's there.

Anyways, thanks Jon. Best/Worst/Best again Christmas present ever.

Happy New Year Everyone!!!

May your year be filled with non-poisonous snakes! Snakes of JOY!

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