Monday, February 20, 2006


So, yesterday, I took a walk.
I had been practicing guitar and had managed to bring my blister back out from under my new callus, and decided that it was time to stop. Jessie still wasn't feeling too hot, and I was stir-crazy, so I decided to head out for a stroll.
I went behind our building, which is an amazing place. In front of our building, there is a town, but behind our building, there is nothing but rice fields and graves. It is pretty amazing. I walked down the road, and one of the first things that struck me is that it is beautiful here. Even with the feilds all brown, the shape and contour of the land here is really beautiful, and the scattered graves give it a really mysterious quality. Also, for one of the first times this year, you could smell the soil, which is really nice. It's such an amazing thing when you realize that you are smelling dirt, because it is a commonplace thing that in a month will go totally unnoticed, like clementines in January. But the first time you smell on before Christmas, it has such an effect on you.
The little streams were all coming to life, with new algae and weeds, and the fields had all opened up and were traversible, so I wandered into them for a while as well. I really like walking through farmer's fields, I'm not sure why.
Then, I got home, and we watched about 2/3 of the first season of "Arrested Development", which is pretty good, and I encourage all to watch it. It's frustrating, it leaves you feeling like you just watched a Ben Stiller movie, but it's definitely owrth the agony.

That's all for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Matt,

I'm a fan of Arrested Development too - very funny show. I've also started watching Scrubs on DVD and the main character reminds me so much of you!!

Cheers - Katie