Monday, January 15, 2007

A little bit disturbed with myself

I was reading about some children in the middle East who had recently killed themselves accidentally while playing "hanging" after witnessing the execution of Saddam Hussein on television.
I guess it stuck in my head, because the other day when I was on, I actually looked it up.
I don't know what possessed me to do it. I'm not even sure that I was intending to watch it, I just was curious to see if it was on.
The next thing I knew, I was seeing people in masks taunting a man who would have been Saddam Hussein if this was in fact what it claimed to be.
After about twenty seconds in, I actually became physically ill. I turned it off as quickly as I could, and it sunk in what I had almost done.
I had almost watched a person die. Not a re-enactment or even as a documentary, but I had almost watched it just for curiousity, and maybe even entertainment.

I can't believe how close I came to crossing that line. I mean, is that something that you can ever come back from? Was I too late? I mean, it's just frightening.

And so would the view count on that film be, if I had taken a moment to observe it, I am sure.

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