Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Korean Mind Tricks

I feel like I have been here for much longer than I actually have.
That's not to say that it feels like it's dragging or anything, just that Korea is playing a horrible trick on me.
You see, I'm used to a winter that lasts for months and months. In Korea, this is a much harsher winter than usual, and it is apparently ending already. It was six degrees above zero the past three or four days, most of the snow has melted, and it actually smells like spring.
I actually caught myself thinking back on the events of two months ago, and feeling like they were much farther back in time than they actually were.

"Man, that was like, last fall!"

Then, a mental punch to the kidneys for not being able to escape saying like, even when thinking. Then realizing, hey, that was very recent.

I'm looking forward to the month of transition in which I am totally comfortable, before Korea punches me in the throat with unbearable heat and humidity again.

Viva life!

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