Sunday, January 15, 2006


Yesterday was a good day.

We went for a long walk along the highway on the way to Kwangju to try to find these temples we keep seeing from the bus window. We didn't.
But we did find another little temple. There was a sign with an arrow at the road with a temple sign, so we checked it out. It was tiny! It was maybe ten by fifteen. If there had not been a sign, I would never have recognized it as a temple.
We walked out to a pottery store on the highway where Jessie had thought that temples were. They weren't there, so we took another road home, and wound up coming to our apartment building from behind, which is really weird.
Our apartment building is built about three quarters of the way up the highest point of land in Yeongam, so you can see it from everywhere. You can see it from the bus before you ever get into town, you can see it from the bus station when you are still a fifteen minute walk away, and yesterday we could see it from the Northern city limit when we were about 45 minutes away. The other weird thing about the building is that it marks the end of the "city" part of Yeongam and the beginning of the "country" part. So, on one side, there is pretty dense housing, with tiny snaking roads and stores and apartment buildings, and behind, there is a kilometer or two of rice paddies and orchards.
When we got home, we talked more about our camps, and reassured eachother that we were really doing a good job. Jessie was talking about her camp, and the commercials that her students had made. One of them used something I had taught them last week! So, that made me feel pretty good. At least they were listening, and something that I said actually sunk in.

Even if it was something really stupid like "I feel crazy!"

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