Tuesday, January 17, 2006


So, I'm on holidays right now. It's pretty boring.
I mean it's only been two days. So I'm glad that we're going to Thailand, because otherwise I can see myself getting really bored. It's way too easy in this town to spend a whole day just sitting around inside. There's not too much to do, I mean, there is the potential for some great walks, but other than that, doing "things" means heading to another town, which is a big time commitment, and can add up financially too.
On the bright side, I am getting a little more guitar-playing in, which has been seriously lacking lately. I don't know why, maybe it's apartment living, afraid of interfering with other people's space and noise... and my tenitis is getting bad too. My ears ring pretty much constantly now, regardless of the noise I have been exposed too. How does that even happen?
I'm also getting nervous about Thailand. That's pretty huge, you know? Heading for three weeks to a whole new place. What if I forget my toothbrush? Maybe they just use their fingers over there, and I'll be stuck massaging my gums the old fashioned way.
It's pretty wierd. I'm pretty wierd.
Well... back to Beverly Hills Cop.
Maybe I should vacuum. It gets dusty in here so quickly. Carpet may accumulate more dust, but at least I would not have to be constantly removing dust bunnies. That, and I wouldn't be sticking to the floor when I went in my bare feet.

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