Monday, February 26, 2007

Made Ee Meecha's day!

So, I just finished telling Ee MeeCha how many foreigners she should expect for the little performance at Cafe Provence on March tenth... she just about jumped out of her skin!
I didn't realize just how many people would be coming until the wine and cheese on Saturday night, when everyone responded in the affirmative that they would be coming. It's starting to look like we might have a crowd or 40 or fifty between Darren and I in this little cafe with a seating capacity of (looking around...) about thirty. So, that'll be fun. She'll have to rearrange some things... but I wanted to let her know, so that she doesn't run out of wine or anything.
She's pretty happy. I think this might be the most people that have ever been in here. haha, awesome.
She's a little bit giddy... when she came over to pick up my cup and dishes she was giggling a little bit. Which makes me really happy. I hope that everyone shows who said that they would!

Here's the ad that's drawing everyone in!

1 comment:

Sarah L Boyd said...

Love the copy. Have you though about going into advertising...?

...I feel like we've had this discussion before...