Monday, February 26, 2007

Welcome party for the new math teacher.

Friday night was a party after work for a new teacher at the Munhwa Math Hagwon.
We went to the usual restaurant, whose name I can not remember... it was fun. Laurien brought a bottle of whiskey that was split among the staff during the dinner, and made for some interesting faces, it being 40% and all, as opposed to 20% soju.
Dinner was great, and it was followed, as usual, by a Norae bang, where the booze was really given a chance to shine. I was in a bit of a metal mood, which was best satisfied with some hard(ish) rock covers. My singing David Bowie, Muse and Radiohead was simultaneously applauded and resulted in the moving of my songbook to the other end of the table. haha.
Here's some pictures!
Here's the handsome and talented Mr Lee, all-round nice guy who runs the ship with Mr Kang.
Here's Mrs Woo! She has a cute chubby baby!
Here's the old new math teacher and the new new math teacher! He's the one the party's for!
These are the two lovely secretaries that I eat my lunch with every day. I just realized that that'll be stopping come Thursday, and I got a little bit sad...
Here's the old-new math teacher and Mr Moon.

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