I hung out with Vanessa for the afternoon, and then came home and started getting everything ready. I was having a few jitters about how it would all turn out.
But I had a good formula: lots of people who are interesting, lots of wine, and good food and music.
Jon and Emily arrived right on time, as did Jeong Hyeon (one of the dudes) and Michael was there already (helped with the set-up), and Ryan followed shortly, but Brooke was absent due to illness. My friend Mallessa came later, and was followed by Lana and Bryce, Stu from Naju, and Laurien. Luckily Brooke let her presence be felt via a veggie tray and dip.
There was a table full of wine and food, and everyone mixed well, or at least I thought so. The reviews have been good so far.
My highlight reel (all things I was involved in, because that's what I remember):
Jeong Hyeon's lethal chinese alcohol that made you drunk before you even drank it. You would seriously just smell the fumes and start to feel dizzy.
My mistakingly thinking that Stu was on a motor bike and accidentally telling him to just "park it down by the trash, there's always room down there", and being told after I got off the phone with him that he was in fact driving a car.
Guitars coming out at around 10:00 or so (details now become fuzzy), moving out into the main room after about half an hour and culminating in a noise complaint from a dishevelled, robed neighbour at 1:30 am.
Wicked flashbacks to Pete's wine and cheese parties in university that also usually ended up with me on guitar and Bryce on a drum.
Stories about church elders at sex museums in Jejudo.
Overhearing "That's why I vote for serial monogamy." come from someone.
Wicked little jams involving Bryce, Stu, Jeong Hyeon, Lana, Mallessa, Laurien and myself involving everything from hand drums to guitars and hand claps.
We shut down the music after the noise complaint, but the party continued until three.
If you read this, and you were there, please add more in the comments section, I'll check and update with your tidbits... I'm too tired to remember any more right now.
More pictures to come in one week's time... they're B&W, and that takes longer to develop, apparently!
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