Thursday, May 11, 2006

More Korean Kraziness

So, I finally brought in my contract termination forms to Mrs Lee. After receiving about six different sets of instructions from about six different sources, I finally settled on bringing it to Mrs Lee, even though I had also been told to give it to my coteacher and to mail it in. I brought it in, because that seemed like the best course. The thing is, she didn't even look at it, although she insisted that I give it to her. She just likes to touch everything to justify her job, I think.

Today, the boys' school had exams. So I had no classes.
Yesterday, I made a crossword for review. I looked up words in their textbook, and then I wrote the Korea down for them. Then, all they had to do was remember the vocab words they should have been studying for their exams. Well, it was alright, but they were all copying. I tried to explain that they should not copy because it's just to study and it's not for marks. It's so crazy, they thought it was a real assignment, and no matter how many times I told them that they could not do that and instead just study, they insisted on copying the crossword from eachother. Oh well, I guess at least they were circling the vocab words. At least they might have learned Something that way. It's funny because that was supposed to be something that meant less work for me... but I put almost two hours into preparing it.

Today I had the day off, because of the exams. Usually I would have to come in for the whole day, but James Park was nice enough to talk to the vice-principal and explain that is I didn't have work to do, there's no reason for me to come in.
For some weird reason, he said that he wanted me to come in this morning to "report to him". I went in this morning, and James Park said that all I had to do was say hello, and then I could leave any time I wanted to.
The problem? My vice-principal was asleep.
I arrived at the very beginning of the day, and he was already alseep. He slept for the entire first period. I was literally just waiting for him to wake up.
He finally did, and I went over and said hello.
He asked me if I had gone to my promise with Mrs Lee (they mistranslate appointments as "promises").
I said "Yes."
He said a lot of stuff in Korean.
Then he said "You Korea... long!" and made gestures for about twenty seconds like he was patting an imaginary table.
I have no idea what he was trying to say.

There's this dog. We call it UB, as it has a massive underbite. It is super friendly, and Jessie walks by it every day on the way to the bus stop. I even make detours sometimes to find it and pet it. Jessie has fallen totally in love with it. The problem is, for a long time, we thought it was a stray.
Yesterday, we got together with the new foreigner Matthew and his wife, and they came with us to the house near where UB usually hangs out. The reason? Jessie and I decided that if it was a stray, we would adopt it.
I'm pretty sure that Matthew and Hyeon-Mi thought we were crazy.
Sadly, it turns out that it actually lives in the house near where we usually find it. We're happy that it has a home, but I'm pretty sure Jessie thinks she would be better off with us.

So, I'm looking for a new job for next year. Steve is leaving his school, and it sounds like it might be a very nice and easy transition to move to Bucheon and take his position at his school. It would be so nice, because I would know exactly what I was getting into. And, I'd be closer to Seoul, on the subway line, so I'm getting pretty excited about it.

That's all for now. Scroll down for pictures, they'll be appearing for the next few days.

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