Wednesday, May 17, 2006


So, I was getting pretty excited, and thinking I had quite the little plan worked out.
Here's where it was at.

I would be returning next year, because I want to save more money. Now, in the last few days we had the bombshell dropped on us (maybe a little over-dramatic) that we could not just take our vacation on the last days of our contract. Our plan had been to leave with our vacation, and Jessie would stay, and I would come back whenever my next contract started. But, they're being technical, saying you have to be in the country on the day your contract ends, or you will not be payed any severance. Leaving two weeks early with your two weeks vacation technically means (somehow) that you are two weeks short on your full year, and the board will not pay your severance, because it is only available after one year.
Well, fine. That sucks. It meant that I might have to come back to Canada alone, and then come back to see Jessie off, because she could not leave yet, and I would have to be back here for the last day of my contract. It would suck, but if that was what had to be done, then that is what I would do.
I just have to add an aside here. Sometimes I feel bad about how much time I spend writing this thing, but sometimes I realize it's okay. This is one of those times. I just looked over and saw that the phys ed teacher has fallen asleep at his desk while watching a movie on his computer. At least I knid of look like I'm doing work. And, as I type this, the vice-principal's snoring JUST becaomes audible.
Travelling back for vacation would be payed for in the following way: my trip home would be courtesy of this contract, reimbursed as my "trip home" ticket, and I had hoped that the trip back would be payed for by my new job.
Unfortunately, today I found out that they usually do not give ticket money to people who are staying in Korea. I think that it's criminal, it's basically penalizing people for not choosing to remain in the same area. If a ticket home is in the contract, than to me, that suggests that your compensation for work includes the price of a ticket. But, apparently, that is not correct, at least not here in the land of crazy.
This means that now I may not be able to go home, because saving might take priority over going home. It really sucks, because I was really looking forward to getting back for a while. Actually, I'm walking around a combination of sick to my stomach and feeling like I just got punched in the stomach since I had realized this.
So I may just have to go straight from old job to new job without any break or trip home, just several useless weeks of sitting around in Korea doing nothing, waiting for one contract to end and the other begin. crap.
But what new job, you might be asking?
Well, I've been talking to Steve about the possibility of taking over in his position near Seoul. It is a pretty great deal, I would be in a good school, with good students, from the sounds of it, a good coteacher, and a good principal and vice-principal who sound quite sane.
Anyways, it seemed like everything was lining up, because just as I was starting to be convinced that this was probably the best thing I would come accross, I was told that I would probably be having next Wednesday and Thursday off, because my school has a field trip to Jeju, and I won't be able to go (I work here two days, it's for four days). So that would be perfect, I can go meet his coteacher, attempt to make a good impression, and line myself up for a smooth transition.
Mom always says that everything happens for a reason, so I was feeling like this was a sign that I was doing the right thing....

But then all that other stuff with the ticket money happened. And now I'm wondering if this other position with Steve is really as sure as I thought it was, and I'm in a huge spiral of doubt and despair... well, not really.

I wish I'd just fallen asleep watching a movie instead of asking about the ticket money. yikes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everything will work out, Matt. It may look hopeless now, but you'll figure something out. Keep exploring your options! I'm rooting for you!