Friday, October 21, 2005

BAD Afternoon

So, my last class was the worst.
The teacher left. This is one class where I actually need need NEED someone there to discipline. The class is ridiculous, and I need the teacher there to yell at them in Korean, because disciplining Koreans in English is the equivalent of trying to beat someone to submission with a wiffle bat.
They were so bad!!! So bad. I had to spend about fifteen minutes of the class just taking things away from the students. One of the students, one who is good and participates, suggested I use the little bat at the front of the class. Not a bad idea, actually. But I can't cross that line. Although today, I came very close to threatening them with it. I told them that I didn't want to use that, even though they seemed to make me want to. I think that that translated to them as "I am going to beat you real soon", which works for me too.
I had to move kids to places where they would hopefully be less disruptive, and I actually had to make two kids sit at the front of the room and face the board. And, apparently, there are handicapped kids in that class, which no-one told me about, so I probably should not have disciplined them the same way... but I did, because no-one bothered to tell me. That's nice, when it takes a Grade six student spinning their finger by their temple to communicate it to me. Thank you, Korea, for your compassion and sensitivity. I too, now appear sensitive to my students. Thank you!!!!
Well, at the end of class, I made the class recite "I'm sorry I was playing in class" a few times, and each individual student had to say it if they had had something taken away from them. It was so brutal. Then I said "I'm sorry today's class was not fun, but when you are bad, I don't have time for games." That, of course was bull, there were no more games planned, only work, but the word "games" seemed to resonate with them.
Anyways, after class, I went to the office. My lessons are planned for next week, and I had no more work for today. So I settled in with a book. I always feel so bad at work when I just read, even when all of my work is done. And then, the office staff had snacks delivered, and offered me some, which I turned down, I was feeling a little ill after my horrible class.
Then they talked about me for about an hour and a half! I heard my name and "Canada", and saw numerous gestures in my directions followed by laughter. It is so annoying. As though because I don't know what they're saying, I won't understand that it is about me. There's this amazing sense here that I am some sort of zoo animal. They always are amazed when I respond, and the pointing and talking about me is really starting to get to me.
So, I have had a bad afternoon. I think it is time for a shower, and a nap.
Have a good one, everybody.

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