Thursday, December 08, 2005

Semi-illicit escape

So, I have moved my Korean/English tutoring time with Mrs Lee at the county office from 5:00 pm to 2:00 pm so that it does not conflict with my piano lessons.
A few weeks ago I spoke to my coteacher SukGyeong about leaving early when I have no classes. It doesn't take a lot of time to plan conversational classes, and most of my time at school is spent reading or writing e-mails/blog entries. They know that too, I don't hide it.
She said it would probably be possible from time to time.
Today is a test.
I have already okayed with her that I will leave at two to go see Mrs Lee. I did not say when I would return, and she did not say for me to return. I have bills to pay. I'm going to ask if I can just leave after my meeting to go pay bills.
It'll be about an hour extra off from yesterday. I really do have to pay bills, and I usually wind up doing that during school hours anyways. It sounds really lazy, but really, I do my planning at home, on my computer, which is in english.
It's not lazy, it's just me not wanting to sit around for all day every day doing nothing relevant at school. I want to do that at home.
If it works, perhaps she will just say that I don't ever have to come back after my meetings. (not fired, just free on Thursdays)
Wish me luck.

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