Sunday, December 04, 2005


So, there is the most amazing thing happening.
It snowed all day. All day long. There must be about ten inches of snow right now!
I was starting to wonder what was going to happen tomorrow, in terms of a possible "Snow Day".
I e-mailed Ee Minahn (Mr Lee), asking if teachers would be goign to school if school was cancelled, and if school would be cancelled. It was pretty clear that school would be cancelled, since I have yet to see a single plough out on the streets.
And then the announcement came over the PA:

Blablablablabla... "hakkyo" blablablablabalbalbal... "hakksang"... blablablablabla... "Nay-eel"

ie - school, students, tomorrow.

I officially have a snow day. The first snowfall of the year. And it stayed all day, and continued all day. I never thought I would see this in Korea. Rock on.

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