Friday, December 16, 2005

That is just crazy.

So, I keep forgetting to write about one hilarious thing. But I remembered today!

Okay, this story actually took place during the Mrs Kang days, in early September.

One day, Jessie and I were sitting in our then-new apartment, in Yeongshin. It was really really hot that day. We had no air conditioning, so I had a pot filled with ice and a bittle bit of water set up so that the cool water could cool the air blowing over it. I actually managed to lower the temperature of the room about two or three degrees, which was awesome. We had the windows closed to keep the hot out, and the room just kept getting cooler and cooler.
Mrs Kang came by, and started her usual move around the apartment to make sure we were doing things correctly. The rice was not being cooked properly (on the stove, rather than the rice cooker), I was cooking the meat wrong (not using Korean spices and sauces) and she took over, forcefully.
Then she saw the windows were closed.

Dear sweet Jesus, she freaked. Panicked, slapped my hand when I tried to explain why they were closed.

They were quickly opened, and the room, of course, became disgustingly hot again.

I didn't really understand why. Then, at camp, I was told about the Korean belief in something called "Fan Death".

Let me break it down for you:

You are in a room, and it is very hot. You put the fan on, and close the windows, and lie down to relax. You do relax, not realizing that your room has become a room of death.
The fan is quietly setting up a killer vortex, that carries oxygen upward in a spiral, leaving you to suffocate as you lie on the couch.

Yikes! No wonder Mrs Kang panicked! She thought I was committing suicide!

Anyways, I was reminded of this by a posting I was reading on It was from a discussion on Korean students versus American students.
There's a lot of quantity (Korean) versus quality (Canadian/American) debate, and it's interesting.

Here's the one that got me thinking: (by "cruisemonkey")

Think about this - most Ks with an undergraduate degree, in essence, have only a high school education. For passing the university entrance exams, they are rewarded with a four-year vacation and graduate with no ability to critically analyse anything (or apply logic in a new or unfamilliar situation)... hell, they truely believe in fan death. I love it!

I don't know enough to comment on the whole education "problem" here, but they do work really hard, and sometimes you can't really see any results.
Of course, it might be relating to the fact that many of the english teachers on eslcafe don't appear to be able to write or spell correctly. Just something I've noticed...

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