Thursday, March 02, 2006

First day of school!

SO, today is the first day of school.
Jessie left a few minutes ago. It was actualy pretty easy to get up early, the sun is up at that time now, so it was not such a big deal. Too bad for Jessie, today is the beginning of another five months of long commutes she never agreed to.
Last night, we each called our coteachers to find out what was going to be happening today. Results? mixed.
Jessie's coteacher told her that there were no classes today, and a welcome back ceremony tomorrow. I was told that there was a ceremony today, and when I asked what I should do for any classes I might have, she said that she didn't know, because it had not yet been decided what I would be doing today. Last night! So, I have to go to school today with what students I will be teaching, if I am teaching at all! Insanity!

Oh well... if nothing else, the ceremony will offer a chance to catch up on some sleep! (Just kidding... sort of)

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